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Otego United Methodist Church History

by Helen Groves, Church Historian


There has been a Methodist Church in Otego for one hundred eighty-one years, the Otego Circuit having been formed in 1833. The Corporate Society, under the name of "Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Otego" was formed, mainly through the efforts of William Broadfoot in 1851. The edifice was built at a cost of $1,125 in 1852. Various changes and improvements have been made over the years, for example the installation of the pipe organ in 1894 which was rebuilt and electrified in the 1950's.


Many outstanding pastors have served this church, one being the Reverend Willard Alger (2 pastorates in the 1920's and '30's) an accomplished artist and poet whose work is treasured by the church and individuals who are lucky enough to have a cheery greeting card or a painting.


Our more recent history includes the name change (deletion of "First" and "Episcopal" and addition of United), summer worship with our Presbyterian friends, the reactivating of a woman's group, support of the local food pantry, and presentations by the choir and other talented persons at Dinner Theaters, Open Mic Nights, and similar venues.


Long time members are honored on Heritage Sunday as well as past and present veterans.


Our mission statement says our goal is to be a warm and welcoming community, devoted to loving God and loving others.  We pray that we can continue to follow that goal.

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